Saturday, September 6, 2008

Layouts to share

So here is three of my newest layouts to share with you all. The first is a template by Chrissy W and the kit that I used is called For The Boys and can be found at Elemental Scraps. This kit is amazing. So full of rich and beautiful colours. I love when the new Autumn colours come out it kits because usually by that time I am tired of the summer stuff.

My next layout is completely different. I love it! It is so simple yet elegant. For this layout I used a kit called My Shabby Valentine, also by the Designers at Elemental Scraps. The gorgeous wordart is by Natali Designs

My last layout is completely different again. For this layout I used Natali Designs kit called Goodbye Summer. I am really getting into realistic elements lately and the best part of Natali's are that they come with shadows to make my life so much easier. Shadows really are tough for me.

Oh, can I give you a tip? If you buy Angie Kovacs Teeny Tinies Alpha found at Elemental Scraps she has included an effect for Shadows that you can plug into photoshop. I am in LOVE with it. The shadows are awesome! I must say thanks to Chrissy, though, because even though I had these sets I didn't even notice the shadow effect! Oops! Thanks for the tip Chrissy!

1 comment:

ChrissyW said...

LOVe that bottom page - and WOOT about angie's alpha shadow love it too!!!