Sunday, June 29, 2008

Stupid Fireworks!

Well not really but they are when they wake up my 2.5 year old. Poor Natalia. It's about 10:00 now and she just came out of her room crying because she is scared of the fireworks. I guess we'll let her stay up for a while and hope that they stop soon. Honestly, I hate watching fireworks myself. I cannot stand the loud bangs, so I can't really blame the poor kid.

Right now I am sitting at my computer printing off what seems like a million LO's. Actually, it's only 12 so far and about 20 more to go. I design all my LO's in 12x12format but then I print them at home on my HP printer at an 8x8 size. I really love this size because it's less bulky like the 12x12 yet you can still easily see the photos and the text.

As I was doing this tonight I came across this super cute LO that I did of Emma and her obsession with make-up. I love this LO. It's definetly one that I am going to look back on and smile at.

The kit is called Lauren's Grace by Angie Kovacs and the template is by Purple Tulip Designs.

I also managed to find some time today to work on 2 more LO's using Chrissy W's newest template set called {Still}Mixin it up. For the first LO I used a kit called The Love Collection by Patricia Armaral. This is easily one of my most favourite kits. I love the gorgeous colours in it.

And this last LO is done using Angie Kovacs kit called Felty Fun.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

2 new Layouts thanks to Chrissy W

Yeah, I finally have gotten more LO's done. For both of these LO's I used Chrissy W's newest template kit called {Still} Mixin' it up. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE templates. They make my LO's so much quicker and easier to put together and they always look really classy.

For my first LO I used Melissa Herzog's kit called Blissful Me.

The next LO that I have complete is called Little Dutch Girls and it's using the Shabby Princess Kit called Promise.

Have you ever noticed how tough it is to find titles for you LO's? I am having a heck of a time lately. Everything seems so boring to me. I really need a lesson in creative titles.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wow! 1000 hits so far!

It's very encouraging to see that people like to check out my digital scrapbooking blog. Sorry I have been so neglectful lately. Life has been so crazy! We are trying to get my daughter accelerated into grade one next year but unfortunetly it has been a huge battle with the school and the school board. I am just exhausted with all the phone calls that I am having to make. I have managed to get a very very layouts done but it's been very slow going. Here's a few...

This first LO is about my favourite small town in northern Holland. For this LO is used JenLin Designs kit called Sweet Mulberry. I also used a template by the fabulous Chrissy W. You can find it here.

Another LO I have worked on also uses a Chrissy W template as well as a kit called Lauren's Grace by Angie Kovacs. When I got this kit downloaded I was so excited because it matches the dress on my daughter perfectly so I knew I would love the LO's that I create with it.

I know I have created a few more LO's lately but I need to sit down and figure out which ones I haven't posted. Keep checking back. I will post more soon.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Staying on at Digital Candy

So I decided to stay on for another term with Digital Candy. They ladies there are absolutely fantastic to work with and the designers are amazing! Unfortunately with this change I also had to resign from working with Mandy Mystiques. She is a phenomenal designer and a pleasure to work with but I am just too busy with life to keep all this on my plate. Thanks Mandy for allowing me to be a member or your CT. your designs are awesome!

This month at Digital Candy I get the absolute pleasure of working with JenLin Designs. I have 2 fantastic kits to work with, the first one is called Rusticana and it's fill with gorgeous rustic colours. It is such a nice change to work with.
Here is my layouts using it.

For my second kit, I am working with Jen's kit called Sweet Mulberry. It is absolutly perfect for all the photos of my girls. The colours a so soft and gorgeous that I just can't get enough of this kit. I am still working on my second LO but I will post it as soon as I am finished. I got a little side-tracked when I got my hands on Chrissy's CD Templates so I haven't quite finished my second layout with Sweet Mulberry. I have to say this though...Now that I am finished my CD album and it's all mounted, it is fantastic! It's just beautiful and I cannot wait to show it off to EVERYONE I know.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

So much happening!

Man, I have done so many scrapbook pages lately that it's absolutely crazy! I don't even know which to start with. So I have decided to start with my favourite. I have recently become a member of Chrissy W's creative team. She has recently left Digital Candy and is now selling her products at Elemental Scraps. Chrissy makes my absolute favourite templates so it was a true honour when she asked me to join her CT. One of my first projects that I have done for her is a CD Album. I am so in love with the way it turned out. I am just dying to print it and mount it.

For the album I used the May Mega Kit by Digital Candy called Shabby Chic Garden. The colours are magnificent for a girly album like this. You can find the kit by clicking here. Shabby Chic Garden

Here's my Album