Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wow! 1000 hits so far!

It's very encouraging to see that people like to check out my digital scrapbooking blog. Sorry I have been so neglectful lately. Life has been so crazy! We are trying to get my daughter accelerated into grade one next year but unfortunetly it has been a huge battle with the school and the school board. I am just exhausted with all the phone calls that I am having to make. I have managed to get a very very layouts done but it's been very slow going. Here's a few...

This first LO is about my favourite small town in northern Holland. For this LO is used JenLin Designs kit called Sweet Mulberry. I also used a template by the fabulous Chrissy W. You can find it here.

Another LO I have worked on also uses a Chrissy W template as well as a kit called Lauren's Grace by Angie Kovacs. When I got this kit downloaded I was so excited because it matches the dress on my daughter perfectly so I knew I would love the LO's that I create with it.

I know I have created a few more LO's lately but I need to sit down and figure out which ones I haven't posted. Keep checking back. I will post more soon.

1 comment:

ChrissyW said...

WOOT! congrats and LOVE those pages~!!