Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Probably my favourite layout to date

I love this layout! I love the photograph, I love the kit, and I love the template.

The template is from Chrissy W's newest set called With this Ring. It is my absolute favourite set of hers. The kit is called Lovebug by Jennifer Barrette.

I also wanted to put a plug in here today for the company called Inkubook. It's a photobook printing company. I had a 8.5 x 8.5 book printed by them. They are giving away a free book up to 120 pages. Anyways, I printed a soft cover book with about 120 layouts of Emma and I am thrilled! The colours are gorgeous, the photos are crisp and it shipped pretty quick. I think the total I paid was about 15.00 for shipping. The only think that you need to keep in mind is that their books are 8.5 x 8.5 instead of the normal 8x8 so you need to resize accordingly. I only had my book resized for 8x8 so there is some white showing on the tops of my pages but this really doesn't bug me at all. This company is definetly worth checking out seeing as the normal cost of a 120 page soft cover album is only 28.95 and that in itself is crazy cheap.

1 comment:

ChrissyW said...

yup - LOVE this page too!!!