Thursday, July 10, 2008

Kim's Bright Summer x2

It's so relaxing to sit down at the computer and do some scrapping. For me it's an escape. It's a way to be crafty and a way for me to chill out. Last night I got 2 layouts done with Trish H Designs kit called Kim's Bright Summer. I knew I wanted to use some swimming photos with these papers because they are so bright and fun and I knew the pool water would just pop against these papers. Needless to say, I took Emma out swimming just so that I could snap a few photos for the first page. I already had the page completed but I needed some photos to go on it.

The template is by Chrissy W and it can be found in her Mixin' it up Set.

The next layout is also using the Kim's Bright Summer bit. The wordart is by Elegant Wordart. If you haven't checked out her blog you must! She has some of the best wordart I have ever seen and I use it constantly.

The template is from Janet Phillips. It came in a supersized template grab bag and the entire set is fantastic. I am generally not one to purchase grab bags but for $4.00 I did and I am glad I did. Here's the link if your interested.

Supersized July Grab Bag

1 comment:

ChrissyW said...

GREAT pages - i bought the grab bag too and love it!!!